Welcome to my Blog.

These are my ramblings in an attempt try and understand my Dissociative Identity Disorder. Thank you for reading my blog and I hope that together we can come to a better understanding of the human mind. If you have any questions or comments you are more than welcome to add them to my blog, or to email me. I would love to hear from you.

18 October, 2013

Finally its starting to make sense.

Finally things start to make sense. We have been sharing our experiences of trauma with my our mother over the last few months. Hearing about it has triggered a few things in her memory. This morning we managed to put a few pieces together. My father's erratic behaviour now makes perfect sense. Even things that seemed odd to my mother years ago when they happened, now make perfect sense in the light of the information we have given her. We all thought he was just crazy, now we know he is a very intelligent calculating man. But we are putting the pieces together now. Finally it is starting to make sense.

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